Shane Rue, Richie 德莱尼, Ryan 克恩 and Zach Balo


Published on May 07, 2024

“好了,大家准备好迎接Just Break It的全新产品了吗??” 肖恩·鲁(Shane Rue)在拍摄视频时兴奋地要求TikTok的观众开始直播,里奇·德莱尼(Richie 德莱尼)先抽了一口,然后和瑞安·科恩(Ryan 克恩)一起大声鼓掌.

“我们找到了里奇。” Rue says pointing to 德莱尼. Then pointing to 克恩, “We got 克恩, and we got Boss Man over there,” 他把手机转向微笑着的扎克·巴洛,称他为巴洛的昵称.

“我们开始吧。” 鲁尖叫着,而克恩也同时大喊着,同时把手放在一堆盒子上,后面是新产品, “他们就是我要找的人! 他们就是那个! 他们就是那个!”

Still both yelling at the same time, Rue shouts: “让我们抓住它,宝贝. Right here, guys, you can get the product now attached to this video,” 克恩嚎叫道: “The break to end all breaks. There’s a Speedflex in these” as 德莱尼 holds up one of the boxes.

“Guaranteed authentic, this is the one, jump on the stream; we’re live right now,” 克恩热情地继续着,鲁在讲话中短暂休息,然后用克恩的足球头盔在克恩和德莱尼面前的特写镜头结束了视频, energetically saying: “Bang, right here, baby! There should be a product attached to this video. We should be live right now!”

That video starts another live stream 还有一个典型的下午,在宿舍男生休息时间出售体育纪念品, a business of mostly 葡京平台线上 students.

新产品是由一名球员或来自Just Break It的球员签名的NFL球队的Speedflex头盔, 这是一家“宿舍男生”的供应商,拥有各种经过认证的正宗纪念品神秘盒子.

Shane Rue, Zach Balo and Joe Beck

Balo, a finance and accounting double major who just finished his junior year, 开始努力, hence the name “Boss Man,一年前,他在科肖克顿(Coshocton)的宿舍和父母的地下室,每天大约两小时销售和直播体育赛事. He came up with the idea to help pay for college.

Because it went so well, Balo asked his friend Rue, who recently wrapped up his sophomore year at AU, to join him and stream and sell, 太.

When they started selling 太 much to keep up with the shipping, they asked their buddy Joe Beck to handle that part of the growing business, which now 流 around 18 to 20 hours a day to about 25,每天000人, ships about 500 packages a day through the U.S. 邮局和联合包裹,第一年的销售额就超过了300万美元.

Some of the members of Dorm Dudes Breaks

从那里, 随后克恩, 德莱尼, Grayson “Bubba” Hay and other friends at 葡京平台线上, 还有巴洛的一位来自家乡科肖克顿的朋友,他从午夜到凌晨4点都在直播.m., a streamer in Virginia who usually 流 in the mornings, and …

“夫人. 宿舍哥们。” 克恩 says to Balo’s girlfriend, Hailey慌慌, 另一名非盟学生, 她走进4月23日的直播房间,即将进入AU大楼进行直播,这里曾经是BW3的所在地,现在是Dorm Dudes Breaks的所在地.

动态心电图, 她是工商管理专业的学生,从他们在科肖克顿的高中时代就开始和巴洛约会, helps Dorm Dudes in a variety of ways, 包括航运, signing checks and helping keep the workspace organized, 在数百种产品定期进进出出的情况下,这可能会很困难.

Richie 德莱尼, Ryan 克恩, Zach Balo and Hailey慌慌

Another person who helps Dorm Dudes is …

“鲍比骨头!” 克恩 yells early in the live stream. “鲍比·博恩斯入选了!”

骨头, who has the top nationally syndicated radio show based in Nashville, 田纳西州, and won “Dancing with the Stars” in the fall of 2018 season, has become a regular buyer for the Dorm Dudes.



Richie 德莱尼 and Ryan 克恩

“For the first helmet,” 克恩 says as he and 德莱尼 open the first box for the first break “winner.” “It’s a normal helmet. It’s going to be the Packers and the NFC North to Elijah.”

而“赢家”,“以利亚, had signed up for the NFC North, 这个“休息”让其他七名TikTok观众分别注册了其他NFL赛区. 一旦所有的部门都被买走,德莱尼和克恩随机选择一个部门并打开一个神秘的盒子.

以利亚也可以从其他NFC北方球队-芝加哥熊队收到任何其他头盔, 底特律雄狮和明尼苏达维京人-如果他们打开了一个盒子,其中一个球队的头盔, 而且不仅仅是普通的头盔,还有一种不同的设计,比如迷彩. 

The other buyers all earn something, mostly packages of mystery sports trading cards, 这就像在商店买一套足球或棒球交易卡——你不知道你会收到哪些球员的卡片,直到你打开包裹.

有些休息时间要长得多,因为宿舍男生要等到所有32支NFL球队的名额都买完,然后通过随机打开神秘盒子来挑选获胜者. “宿舍男生”的大部分休息时间都是为了购买NFL的物品,因为NFL比其他运动项目的物品卖得更好.

Because everyone wins something, what the Dorm Dudes do isn’t considered gambling, which they wouldn’t be able to do on TikTok or other social media platforms.

With the threat of Congress approving a ban of TikTok in the U.S., the Dorm Dudes also do some selling on Fanatics Live and Instagram.

现在, 主要是抖音, 它处理所有的运输信息和定价,但价格是宿舍男生销售额的6%——大约40美元,每月1000万.

一开始《葡京线上游戏平台》的月销售额只有几百美元或更少,但现在它的月销售额已经增长到数十万美元,并且以900美元的价格接近100万美元,000 for February when the Super Bowl 太k place.

To have sales that high, you need some good sellers like 德莱尼 and 克恩, 一名非盟足球运动员和精力充沛的卖家,他经常喜欢在直播中戴着头盔.

Richie 德莱尼, Ryan 克恩, Zach Balo and Shane Rue

“There’s still Patty Ma首页s! There’s still Tom Brady! 还有C.J. 粗呢衣服。” 克恩, wearing his trademark helmet, screams to the live stream crowd, getting louder and louder with each NFL player’s name, which are among the player autographs on the helmets they are selling. Some of the helmets are even signed by multiple players.

Having different personalities helps move sales, 太, like their morning streamer, who is the opposite of 克恩: a calmer, more businesslike seller.


The products come from a few product companies, some of which Balo has part ownership of or is the full owner. He bought out a couple of competitors who were doing the same thing on TikTok, so he has different streamers and sellers for those businesses, which go by different names.

Balo开始在他的Kappa Sigma兄弟会的宿舍里进行直播和销售,直到学校通知他不能在宿舍里做生意. Who actually reads the student handbook and would know that?


AU’s Business Department then helped him get into the old BW3 building, which part of is used for storage and where the Dorm Dudes are now was empty. They pay the university rent for the space.

The room for the live stream used to be BW3’s kitchen. 他们的计划是把它变成一个播客空间,剩下的空间不仅用于发货准备和产品存储,还用于直播.

有一家烧烤酱公司想成为他们的赞助商,他们正在寻找一家能量饮料公司来赞助他们的午夜到凌晨4点.m. 流.

最近, Dorm Dudes Breaks was recognized for its success, 在有12所大学参加的创业教育联盟的理想实验室竞赛中,在俄亥俄州东北部地区的赚钱类中获得第一名.

Dorm Dudes Breaks white boards


“From the humble beginnings in Zach’s basement, to now having their own office to work out of, Dorm Dudes have truly come a long way. 与朋友合作,为粉丝提供好产品,繁荣好巴士 (short for business). 宿舍男生外出!”
