Welcome to the 2020-2025 university strategic plan site for Ashland University. This site chronicles the strategic planning process and provides updates for the ongoing development of our next strategic plan. We identified three strategic themes to rally around:

  • Transformational Experiences
  • 战略发展
  • Empowered 社区

Our strategic plan represents the hearts, values and traditions that form the foundation of our university. Developed through a comprehensive, collaborative process, this strategic plan's title, "Rich History/Bold Future," builds on the collective excellence of our campus community.

Ashland must soar above the day-to-day challenges that face higher education to become the nationally recognized university that focuses on 学生 as the heart of all we do. As the university known for "Accent on the Individual," our plan will meet the educational and personal goals of each student.

This plan is our roadmap. This document will guide, serving as a living document, a framework that will be revised as we build a great place to learn, 工作和成长. Ashland University will be a place where all 学生 and personnel are valued and empowered to be transformed and transform their communities and the world.

We want to thank each of you, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, alums and Board members, who have labored to make this strategic planning process and the resulting strategic plan truly one developed by the Ashland University family. We hope you are as excited about the plan, and the future it envisions, as we are. This plan articulates grand expectations – expectations we can not only meet but exceed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this plan and become a part of Ashland - Rich History/Bold Future.

Strategic Plan Name Poll Results


Download Rich History/Bold Future 2025 for a full overview of our goals and plans.

Rich History, Bold Future

Strategic Theme Teams

The strategic plan for 2020-2025 is titled Rich History/Bold Future - Ashland 2025.  Three themes support our strategic plan: Transformational Experiences, 战略发展 and Empowered 社区.

An open invitation was extended to the campus community to join one of the theme teams. Based on the responses, the three teams were formed to begin the challenging and exciting work to develop the primary objectives for each theme. The strategic plan has since been revised, reviewed and implemented. Below are the three themes of Ashland University's strategic plan, with their objectives and initiatives nested within.

Transformational Experiences

Empowered 社区


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