Customized Solutions for Educators and Businesses

Telego Center personnel have all been or are currently associated with public school systems and business organizations throughout Ohio and other regional states. The Center is a knowledge and skill-based resource, providing technical skills and expertise to school administrators and organizational leaders in meeting state and federal mandates, improving leadership skills and enhancing performance.

We can help your organization:

  • Build community and business partnerships
  • Enhance organizational efficiency through quality initiatives
  • Improve standardized achievement test scores
  • Plan facility infrastructure despite shrinking budgets
  • Improve leadership skills
  • Develop and/or implement a Strategic Plan 

With the Telego Center, you benefit from:

  • Knowledgeable, highly-skilled researchers
  • State-of-the-art techniques, policies and procedures
  • Customized solutions responsive to your specific needs
  • Reliable and quality services
ALAS Seminar speaker

Services & Projects

The mission of the Ashland University Telego Center for Educational Improvement is to provide customized solutions to Ohio schools and businesses. 

Services include, but are not limited to:

ALAS 2019

Ashland Leadership Academy Seminars (ALAS)

Professional Learning Retreat for K-12 Leaders

Register today for this unique experience! ALAS is a perfect environment for district teams as well-- ask about our group discounts.

ALAS reg

Professional Learning Podcast

In this podcast, David Silverberg interviews educational leaders and nationally recognized authors about issues in education in support of a better future.

Answers and opinions have been offered on a variety of subjects:

  • Educational Leadership
    Veronica Motley, assistant superintendent, S. Euclid-Lyndhurst City School District
  • Education Law
    John Britton, Ennis Britton Co.
  • Wounded Students and Educators
    Joe Hendershott, co-founder, Hope 4 the Wounded
David Silverberg, Ed.D.

Contact Information